We're thrilled to announce the new app for Mid-Buchanan Schools! It's everything Dragon Nation, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/42gIOtd
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/43hjiW9

Third and fourth grade students attended the Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum today and were able to interact with 14 STEM exhibits centered around Earhart's legacy. Students ended the day with a picnic lunch and free play at Hyde Park!

Congratulations Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Kountz on a fantastic presentation at the Missouri Instructional Leadership Summit in St. Louis today. They shared the great things the elementary teachers and staff are doing to positively impact student learning.
Way to go ladies!!!

Mid Buchanan Elementary is seeing stars...GOLD stars! We were recognized for implementing all three tiers of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with fidelity. Outstanding job to our team for continuing to prepare all of our students to be successful, productive citizens through learning each day!

The teamwork journey continues in the junior high summer school class. Students had to work together to build the tallest spaghetti towers using only spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.

Junior high summer school students focused on teamwork today by participating in different group activities. Students had to collaborate, work together, listen, and encourage each other to accomplish the task at hand. Way to work together Dragons!

Reading, tangrams, and snack time, oh my! 2023 MB summer school has officially started! We look forward to an incredible journey this summer.

Summer renovation projects are in full swing!

Reminder: NO late starts in May. All remaining school days begin at 7:50 a.m. for students.