Mr. Gibson's American History students proposed amendments to the constitution (school handbook) to Mr. Kendrick and Mrs. Schwope to deepen their understanding of how the US Constitution gets amended and work on composing a thorough argument and supporting it with evidence. #BeADragon

Land of Smiles presented to kindergarten, first, and second grade students yesterday. They learned the importance of taking care of their teeth. Students help beat the cavity monster during the show! Be on the lookout for some teeth cleaning supplies in their back packs!

Due to scheduling conflicts, the What to Expect Series dates have been changed.
9th grade: Sept. 12 at 7pm
12th grade: Sept. 13 at 7pm
If you are unable to attend, the presentations will be posted on the school website. We apologize for any inconvenience, and look forward to seeing you!

JH and HS Parents, please click the link for The Week Ahead: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFtIvZ8MGA/818-ODWzRJYtu9d5K1hF9w/view?utm_content=DAFtIvZ8MGA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer

Third graders can round to the nearest 10 and 100 by color coding number lines.

Students in Mrs. Phillips' Computer Applications class learned about appropriate times to use traditional mail, email, texting or face-to-face interactions to communicate. #BeADragon

Reminder: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30, is school picture day for Pk-11th grade students!

From sight reading in music to working collaboratively in art to team building in PE, Dragon specials are off to a great start!

8th Grade American History can describe the Colombian Exchange. #BeADragon

Mr. Davenport's Project Lead the Way class engineered catapults and are now working on making adjustments to refine the accuracy. #BeADragon

Miss Drury's 9th grade English classes used teamwork to complete a Zombie Apocalypse escape room to freshen up spelling, homophones and problem-solving skills. #BeADragon

The elementary book fair will be September 9-13, 2023.
This fall the fair will be located in the elementary library.
Please see the attached flyer for all the dates/times and events.

The Week Ahead (1/2)
Monday, August 28
V/JV Softball @ Home 4:30
JV Football @ Home 5:00
Tuesday, August 29
Senior Picture Day
XC @ N. Platte 4:00
V/JV Softball @ LeBlond 4:30
C/JV/V Volleyball @ LeBlond 5:00
Wednesday, August 30
7th-11th School Picture Day

The Week Ahead (2/2)
Thursday, August 31
V/JV Softball @ Home 4:30
V/JV Volleyball @ Maysville 5:30
Friday, September 1
V Football @ Holden 7:00

Senior Composite pictures will be Tuesday, August 29. Guidelines for dress:
-Gentlemen: nice shirt with a collar, tie optional
-Ladies: top with nice neckline and sleeves, no spaghetti straps
-Everybody: Dark colors are best. Avoid shirts with writing or bold graphics.

Students attending Hillyard will not have classes on Friday afternoon. Classes at Mid-Buchanan will continue on a normal schedule.

Only one more night before our Dragons are back at school! We can't wait to see you all at 7:50 tomorrow morning!

For juniors and seniors attending Hillyard Technical Center, SJSD will have early outs Wednesday and Thursday, so our students will not have HTC classes.

After a series of unforeseen delays, we are excited to share some incredible news! We are eager to announce the installation of our final 2 tiers of the playground on August 30th!
We began this playground journey last August by asking each student to vote on the pieces of equipment they would want on their playground. We hoped to have it finished before school started when we encountered a few roadblocks, but should be on a roll now!
Thank you to everyone for understanding and we are so excited to celebrate the final pieces of our playground!

Attention all 9th-12th graders!
Did you know that Esports is one of the top 3 activities that lead to full ride scholarships?
Mid-Buchanan is proud to offer Esports this coming school year. Compete in games like Rocket League, Overwatch, and Super Smash Bros. Come represent our school in the up and coming sport of Esports!
For contacts and additional information head to the Esports webpage!