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Clinic Information

Immunization Information

According to Missouri State Law, all students must be properly immunized in accordance with the standards of Missouri State Health Department before being permitted to attend school.  Medical and Religious exemptions are accepted and must be obtained from your personal physician or the Health Department. 

Medication Policy

Medications will be given during school hours when absolutely necessary.  We encourage dosage schedules which allow medicine to be taken before and after school hours.  If medication is required at school for long term, a form must be completed by the prescribing physician and signed by the parent.  Over the counter medication require a written parent permission including reason for medication and length of time needed.  Except for medication that is only used in emergency situation, the district will not knowingly administer the first dose of any medication.

If your student will need special assistance or additional monitoring to take their medication at school, please contact the health services staff to discuss your student's needs.

Illness Policy

We value the health of our staff and students.  If your student is ill, please keep them at home for 24 hours after symptoms subside without using medication.  Please keep your student home if they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, or red eyes with drainage.  Please see handbook for complete list.

If the student is prescribed medication for a contagious illness such as pink eye, they must be on the prescribed medication for 24 hours before returning to school.


We would like to make the Mid-Buchanan School community aware of the program we have partnered with called VSP Eyes of Hope. This program offers any child(ren) in need of vision exams as well as glasses. To qualify recipients must have a family income up to 200% of Federal Poverty Level guidelines and no vision coverage through a private insurer or government program. For those who already have routine eye exam coverage but do not have coverage for glasses and lenses, they can also be used for materials only. 

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact one of the nurses at 816-238-1646 ext:173


The nurse's office is always accepting donations:

  • feminine products

  • hygiene products (male & female)

  • clothing items (ages preschool-12th grade)

  • socks & underwear

All items can be dropped off at the elementary or high school office.

Thank you

Your Nurses


Chelsea Everly


Chelsey Jackson